Antenatal Depression Antenatal Depression And I Overdosed With 30 Zopiclone At 4 Months Pregnant. Is My Baby Damaged?

Antenatal depression and I overdosed with 30 zopiclone at 4 months pregnant. Is my baby damaged? - antenatal depression

I suffer from antenatal depression. One night it was so bad, I took 30 tablets zopicline (sedatives). I'm not saying that everyone and sleeping more than usual, but now I am beside myself that I hurt the baby. Someone please help


PuppyPri... said...

I agree with KC - I had prenatal depression and the doc prescribed antidepressants, which are now prohibited for pregnant women. Did you know that prenatal depression is as common as after birth? Just Do not Get too far from the media. You are not to feel stigmatized, please stop torturing yourself and you will not be you or your child any good, and please tell your doctor right away what happened, so you can make a proper assessment. And good luck with your baby!

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