Throat Infection What Are The Causes Of A Throat Infection?

What are the causes of a throat infection? - throat infection

I have a sore throat. Before, I thought it was just a stuffy nose. but then I started to feel the snot off My esophegous. (TMI I know). so the doc said his sore throat. But how could this happen and why? Is it contagious or something?


Jayarama... said...

Dry, itchy and painful swallowing are the hallmarks of a sore throat it can be miserable. Sore throat - known medically as pharyngitis - is usually caused by viral infections such as colds or flu (influenza). In many cases, a sore throat, the first sign that you're sick.

Most sore throats are caused by viruses - the same germs that to colds and flu (influenza). Less often a sore throat are caused by bacterial infections. Viruses and bacteria both enter the body through the mouth or nose - either because you are in particles that breathe in the air when someone coughs or sneezes, or because you are in contact with an infected person or sharing objects, cooking utensils, towels, toys, door handles or by phone. Because the germs are contagious sore throat, can easily spread, where many people gather such as schools, day care for children and offices.

Virus --
The most common diseases are viral sore throat:

Cold --
Influenza (Flu)
-Mononucleosis (mono)

Other viral diseases can cause the sore throat are:

Measles --
Varicella --
Meal - a child with a serious illness, dry cough characterized
"Bacterial infections
"Bacterial infections can cause sore throat are:

"Throat infection
-Diphtheria - a severe disease of the airways, which are rare in industrialized countries, they more often in developing countries --

alianna_... said...

Viral and bacterial causes of sore throat. You have to see dr. He or she can tell if they have to do a viral or bacterial infection or a throat swab. and if u hav confirmed streptococcal infection or EBL antibiitocs Yoth bacterail Wil given.

huscafat said...

This happens because the throat and a doc.
If your doctor says otherwise, choose another location.

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