All Incest Why Not Just LEGALIZE It ALL? Homosexual Marriage, Polygamy, Incest Marriages, Marriage To Teenagers Over 14?

Why not Just LEGALIZE it ALL? Homosexual marriage, polygamy, incest marriages, marriage to teenagers over 14? - all incest

If the legal age for marriage is 15, men 45 years of marriage to 15-year old boys. Girls only 14 years to marry in Texas, women 38 years old. Why not? Let MILF Kevin married his mother. Either legally marry Sue Barry, Josephine and Heather and LaQuisha.

(Why try to pursue polygamy sect in Texas, again?)

Why are all the guidelines and limits?


This door is open. That all animals in the wild.

Why do you draw a line somewhere?


E. K. said...

In fact, I have no problem with everything you have said. I support the legalization of all.

Wicked Wanda said...

In some states the age of consent for marriage is a little weak, but parents must sign the consent form. Are 14 years old, the children can not get married just 45 years.

They have returned the same mentality of those against interracial marriage when it was believed that two people of different races should not be married .... And that is nothing to be proud.

It is people like Dr. Joe ", from the play or influence another person should be banned. It's funny to me that people with your mentality, in fact, I think," God does not "as to what they are, but we want to live a lie, as everyone else.

Why "God" so that a murderer sitting on a golden throne beside him, if the offender committed a sin so dreadful murder. Thou shalt not kill "is one of the ten commandments ...." They are not gay "is not.

Nate said...

1: You should legalize it, but between two consenting adults can not use a deformed child, and stop anyone hurt.
2: As this lead to problems that arise in a society of peers, is not for everyone leads to a higher rate of crimes of sexual violence, particularly in relation to
3: There is a danger that is a genetically defective child is too high
4: Since children at this age are not old enough to make these decisions, and not consenting adults.

We need to have the limits, because you logic and reasoning can be used to find an appropriate place to put such a line.

Floyd said...

They share a friendly relationship between two adults to pedophilia and incest? I would say that people know where to draw the border. As for polygamy, provided that all consenting adults do, I do not care how many people are in bed.

Sweet said...

I love sarcasm! All good points. Why are there laws at all? Why not let go the country to Buck Wild!

My God, Dr. Joe, but I doubt that even the thought of hell will deter some people. Dr. Joe I stand corrected ..... I do not believe that "we" those who take the life of another, because this contradicts the whole "Thou shalt not kill" part.

[O]peration [I]raqi [L]iberation said...

If you do not tell the difference between gay marriage and incest, pedophilia and polygamy, I do not really think he has the ability to have a debate on the issue.

luke6668... said...

Incest is both legal, if both are neutered.
And he did not marry, a 15-year-old Jerry Lewis Lee, he married his cousin, 13 years, you know, the man who wrote this song Great Balls of Fire.

madman said...

I agree. Morality has no meaning constructs that are created by society anyway. I agree with certain laws, so that children are sexually exploited by adults, but when we talk about consenting adults, so who cares.

Marcia B said...

This specious argument, even against opponents of interracial marriage. Who has decriminalized over 40 years ... It seems that the oblique plane was much larger than they claimed. What a surprise.

Marcia B said...

This specious argument, even against opponents of interracial marriage. Who has decriminalized over 40 years ... It seems that the oblique plane was much larger than they claimed. What a surprise.

Holy Cow! said...

Teen marriage is already legal. It's funny how people who never seem to protest.

JohnW said...

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, that good men do nothing."

DINO said...

It is logical at this point, because it degenerates into the Stone Age in America ...... Dino

Trevor M said...

These sick @ #% s is the sum of food aid young people and remain loyal and wouldnt be right with the old man juice and make our country cleaner than it already

Marie Antoinette said...


Marie Antoinette said...


huh said...

and obviously the line has to leave the institution with which he

huh said...

and obviously the line has to leave the institution with which he

Froggy said...

I assume you're a divorce lawyer.

I was anti Obama b4 it was cool said...

I love lamp.

I tho .. we agree to throw all the dignity of the wind, which is a hell, but about morality?

Fozzy said...

They bring THUMPERS Bible really made me laugh! All these things are legal if you are already a heterosexual, and many heterosexuals .. Polygamy is legal if the divorce is legal and people who have sex, and the creation throws for all children of the village. Heterosexual pedophilia is already here legally and always has been. Most states in the Bible Belt to get married to older children all the time. Get a grip! If you live in a theocracy, then move on to Iran. They have the same mentality of the Southern Baptists in any case ....

DocStew said...

I will treat this issue as if it was serious and not trying (badly) to find homosexuals.

When we provide protection to secure "to [born] inalienable rights" and a government [] the rights of the large number of laws introduced to the group some ideas of morality are coded unconstitutional and wrong.

The Declaration of Independence was in the Magna Carta and the Constitution was amended inspired by both. (Yes, yes ... what ... I know, but why muddy the water?)
These documents were with the blood of patriots and tyrants and statesmen that the people are superior to individual governments to create, to write protect their freedoms.

If people from America, which stood in the recent past, particularly against the tyranny that the new government is established by the ancestors got out of control, and instead can resolve a management company responsible.

"The line" You ask, should be developed by individuals. If I want to marry, CHILD, and all parties, including parents are in agreement, even if money changes hands, the government or society. You and the Company (and my wife!) Might at the thought of vomiting, but in a free society, we must take advantage of the land (in our thinking) and the bad.
Either we are an independent company, we are another, deal with the tyranny.

Life is difficult, and decisions feel like your own business is full of difficult for many people.

To be placed on homosexuals in the arms of her love for pedophiles and beastophiles (what a word?) The comparison is only between freedom and tyranny.

To be loved, is not an option.

David said...

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman both have done what is detestable. They should be sentenced to death, their blood is on his head. - Leviticus 20:13

I had visions of hell. I saw a Gay Guy in Hell, he dragged along the bottom of demons, and forced to live in a large 5-foot long, 1 foot diameter rod in the ass and out his throat, the air smelled blood sh * t. Begging just "save God." The God who was before he gay, but now I have forgotten, that in hell. I saw a lesbian daughter in a room of demons, which are 5 meters long run, 1 foot in diameter pole passed through the vagina, while the juice from the vagina with blood literally flowed from her. Hiring her vagina, and connect with pain and screaming and crying. I do not even know think it was possible that people are so high! To stop begging and screams of pain and suffering. The ultimate torment is that he would never do. Every day has to go through them for eternity. Because that is what they wanted. They knew WronaG is a gay or lesbian and despises God knows why. But she insisted on living their evil abomination abomination. The only form of consolation that we know, is the possibility that other gays and lesbians are more likely to leave their lifestyle, their sin which God hates. In the sky, who killed a gay or lesbian sitting next to God on a golden cast. You will receive constant love and eternal peace of mind, not so good for gay and lesbian destroyed. Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, who killed Matthew Shepard seats reserved for them by God. God gives them courage to deal with the rest of their lives in prison. Then God will reward you with eternal life. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake. "God laughs gay and lesbians who believe that God lives. It does not. Plain and simple. God hates everyone. He created the people to their dirty d * cks sh * t. He did not know to see the digestive system for creating Sex can be used. He has not been created for the vaginanothing to prevent next ad * ck. He knows. I pray that one day, gays and lesbians learn to deal with the fact that God hates, just for God to show his true power, too. If he knows that he hated to deal with it, it will hurt them worse. There is an endless pain gays and lesbians that God grant them. Endless suffering. He loves to see how they change in pain forever. He gets his wish, whenever you die ad goes to hell. Maybe, just maybe, if a gay or lesbian is normal, right, God loves them think. And if pleading and begging is fairly presented, then maybe God made them into the sky. But the longer you wait, the less likely. Do not insult me for that answer. I know in my heart that I am right. God hates gays and lesbians disgusting. They are demons. The devil demons. He wants it. And if they continue their disgusting lifestyle. Let's see, what is difficult, Lesbos lifting to eternal fire. They think they are hard "men" we will see how they are taught. What about homosexuals? They believe they are suffering now, as "women" are they? Then you learn how to deal with it. Hellfire is nothing like anything you will face. As their rights are violated, being beaten. Something like the fires of hell!

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