Cerebral Aneurysm And Exertional Headache Cerebral Aneurysm And Poisoning? Can It Happen?

Cerebral aneurysm and poisoning? can it happen? - cerebral aneurysm and exertional headache

Is it possible that someone a brain aneurysm poisoning? Can a chemical or something done for this person brain aneurysm?


Medical student class of 2008 said...

Aneurysms are simply a weakening of the vessel walls, allowing them to stretch. Aneurysms are weakened by one of two things: high blood pressure or blood vessels. In states with high blood pressure, brain areas May as aneurysms, the most common is the circle of Willis. Weakened blood vessels can be caused by high blood pressure, previous injuries or connective tissue disorders such as Marfan syndrome. Trauma-induced aneurysms occur most commonly in the abdominal aorta or arteries kindney, while the cause of Marfan aneurysm of the ascending aorta or aneurysm.

I am not aware of a poison that causes an aneurysm. Hope this helps.

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