Continental Finance Mastercard Continental Finance Gold MasterCard, Can I Do Better?

Continental Finance Gold MasterCard, can I do better? - continental finance mastercard

Ok, so I was checking my FICO last night and only managed to obtain a 618 young Equifax (poor, who need to work on it), so we only have 2 things in him a loan to the school does not appear immediately 6grand payments (because you did not graduate) and $ 121 I owe Bank of America for pound, they decided not to pay for their system set up deposit rates not because of the immediacy. I know I have to pay it as soon as possible, but now I wanted to work on a credit card. I asked that earlier, it seems that almost anyone can get. and was accepted, but after the shadow and deceptive means to treat their customers, I decided I could go with a better society. All I Really Want no annual fee, because they can keep forever. What can I do better, no one has had experience with this company? and if they cancel, as I do? my card has not arrived yet, and I think before the termination would not hurt my credit?

He also requested a Cap One with 17.6 annual variable and SAid if it would be accepted or not accepted, coming in 1-2 weeks (seems denied)


knitting bear said...

Go to the next page and find what you want on a credit card. Are not if you do not want. Remember that if you apply multiple cards in a short time, it raises a red flag for the CC company you are looking for a large number of loans in a short time, which in turn deliver them to the "work as such in the folder. You look like a bad credit risk, if other things are not really. Good luck.

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