Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible For Retirees Are Health Insurance Premiums Deductible In Year Paid?

Are health insurance premiums deductible in year paid? - are health insurance premiums tax deductible for retirees

For the first time that I pay my health insurance for retirees in advance than for the month of reporting. I paid 09 Janvier at 09 FĂ©vrier at 08 December. I know that medical and dental expenses are deductible in the year paid, but what about the insurance premium. If the 08th December, the payment of the tax-deductible in my 08 or 09 My Taxes? I can not find a clear answer to the instructions in Appendix A of Pub 502nd


Lisa K said...

When removing not just self-employed, the premiums for Medicare on Schedule A, if you can only deduct medical and dental expenses that exceed 7.5% of their income. In accordance with the instructions to be deducted in the year of payment, but for sure you could ask the IRS.

Rkymtnmi... said...

If all the premiums during the year are deductible tax payable, regardless of whether the contributions to cover future periods.

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