Knee Repair In Sc Can Glucosamine Help My Knee Heal (torn MCL And Meniscus)?

Can glucosamine help my knee heal (torn MCL and meniscus)? - knee repair in sc

I recently tore the MCL (Layer 3) and meniscus playing soccer, and I take ibuprofen for inflammation and pain, my doctor told me with a key walk. My father has with glucosamine, and said he had read about him in a doctor's office and can help my knee repaired. Is glucosamine? Or is it still worthwhile, and if so, what form we recommend that you use (pill or liquid?)


Anonymous said...

No, you probably need surgery.
You ask your MD May for obtaining ultrasound treatments.
Collagen can help water to the meniscus (using synovial fluid is produced).
Hyaluronic acid helps to reduce the moisture / water intrusion into the joint and pain.
I've never glucosamine to help.

However, no repair of the knee.

Physical therapy helps the healing and restoration of function in the meniscus. Talk to your MD about it.

Try calling 1-800-463-7575 invitation Health and ask for a nutritionist or naturopathic doctor to talk to Council. (Available 7 days / week)

It feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

I must have a total knee replacement that was not repaired my torn meniscus and arthritis. I have taken glucosamine for year without any obvious benefits. Recent blind tests have shown no benefit in glu ... to use compared with placebo. the meniscus can be repaired, depending on several factors. Age, type of wear, etc., if d like to try the supplement is sold. Surgery is likely, and tons of physiotherapy. My new knee is not working right, but for me.

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