Pregnancy Games For Women 3 Days Before Peroid, Wondering If Any Women Have Any Advice On Possibility Of Pregnancy?

3 days before peroid, wondering if any women have any advice on possibility of pregnancy? - pregnancy games for women

Well, here are the symptoms better (are oh, and I had a baby before, but havent been pregnant for four years and all a bit further back), breast augmentation, enlargement of the nipple, a little darker, sore breasts and nipples, and now for the last three days I had stitches in the right lower abdomen. I'm looking for some ladies who had similar experience in May and perhaps re-assurance that is the pregnancy, I feel. My husband and I did not include white, but we hope now is a good option .. Ladies and please do not tell me that a test, because this is no answer that I seek, I believe that the intention to take a test if I lose my feet = peroid'm too scared so DO waitning Thank you in advance whoever answers!


Busy Mom of 3 boys/1 girl said...

Been there had done all the signs and not pregnant ...
and if I had a total of 5 Pregnane term and 3

I said: ACT!

It is the only way.

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